How To Ant-Proof Your Sacramento Home For The Summer

A very small but very odorous ant drinking up water droplets on a Sacramento counter top

Several types of warm-weather pests hide during the winter only to become active pests once more as soon as the temperatures rise again. Ants are one of those warm-weather pests that many Sacramento residents are familiar with, as we deal with them year after year after year.

Several types of warm-weather pests hide during the winter only to become active pests once more as soon as the temperatures rise again. Ants are one of those warm-weather pests that many Sacramento residents are familiar with, as we deal with them year after year after year. After hiding away during winter, ant colonies are eager to make their way out into the warm spring and summer air to begin foraging for food, water, and new shelter. Unfortunately, our Sacramento homes usually provide all of the basic needs an ant colony requires, which can lead to big trouble for any homeowner. Having to deal with lines of ants trekking across your floor, needing to throw away infested food items, and contracting diseases from the bacteria ants bring inside are just a few of the issues that can come along with ants inside your home. However, you can help reduce the chances that your Sacramento home becomes infested by learning ways to prevent ants before they come inside.

How Can I Keep Ants Out of My Sacramento Home?

The key to ensuring the protection of your home is to contact a pest control professional as soon as you recognize you have a problem. But pest prevention steps are a helpful way to make an ant infestation less likely for your home.

Keeping your home clean and sanitary goes a long way when it comes to preventing ants. Most types of ants invade simply to find a food source. By cleaning regularly, you can eliminate the possibility that they find the food that would draw more ants in.

Along the same lines, storing your food in airtight containers rather than leaving them on the counter or in boxes keeps ants from finding food sources in your home.

Sealing areas on the outside of your home can help prevent ants from entering your home. Cracks, crevices, and gaps in your foundation, exterior walls, window sills, and doorways are easy access points for ants.

When Should I Contact Professional Ant Control?

There is never a bad time to reach out to the professionals here at Pro Active Pest Control to help you with your ant problems. Understanding that ants must be eliminated at their source plays a major role in how we deal with ant infestations. Ant colonies often reside in your lawn, rather than your home, and the worker ants will crawl back and forth between these locations to provide for their colonies. Here at Pro Active, we know that simply eliminating the ants you see in your Sacramento home won’t eliminate your problem. That’s why our highly effective home pest control plans identify and target the areas both inside and outside of your home that is at the most risk. If you’d like quality home protection, reach out to us today and see what professional pest control can do for you. 
