Why Are There Fleas In My Elk Grove Home?

Flea crawling on someone's skin.

One common misconception about fleas is that they are strictly a problem for pets in Elk Grove. This could not be further from the truth. Fleas were the primary vector for the bubonic plague, a disease that took the lives of about 25 million people between the years 1347 and 1351. 

Thankfully, medicine and general cleanliness practices have made the spread and danger of flea-spread diseases much less impactful. However, this does not mean these pests don’t still get people and animals sick. If your home is currently infested with fleas, here are some things you should know and what methods work best to get them out.

The Reason Fleas Are Inside Your Home

Finding out why fleas are inside your Elk Grove home can be difficult. To make things simple, we will ask you a few questions to determine the source of your infestation.

Does Your Home Have A Rodent, Bird, Or Bat Problem?

  • These invasive pests are regular carriers of parasitic pests like fleas, ticks, and mites. When they break into homes, they allow fleas direct access to your living areas, where they can feed on humans and their pets.

Do Your Outdoor Pets Have Some Form Of Flea And Tick Prevention?

  • Outdoor pets are one of the main ways that fleas find their way into homes. One way to reduce your pet’s chances of carrying fleas inside is to ensure they have some form of protection against these pests. Most people opt to use flea and tick collars. If this doesn’t seem like the right option for you, consult with your veterinarian to find out more options. 

Did you recently purchase a used piece of furniture?

  • Internet sellers, thrift stores, and consignment shops do not always treat the furniture they sell for fleas before they sell it. If you have recently purchased a couch, sofa, or other furniture piece and noticed fleas after you brought it into your home, there is a good chance these pests were hiding inside the item you bought.

Did You Recently Have Company Over?

  • Fleas prefer feeding and living on animals over people. However, this doesn’t mean that fleas will not infest people as well. If one of your friends or family members is having trouble with fleas inside their home, they may carry them into yours on their skin or clothing. If you cannot figure out how fleas got into your home, this might be the reason.

Is Your Home’s Exterior Improperly Defended?

  • Although fleas will most commonly invade living areas by using a host, they can also get inside using their legs. Some ways these pests might invade your living areas on your own include crawling through gaps and cracks, sliding under unsealed doors and windows, climbing through damaged screens, or hopping in through other entry points.

How To Get Fleas Out After They Invade

Once fleas get into a home, they are a pain to get out. To make sure these pests get and stay out of your Elk Grove home, let the residential pest professionals at Pro Active Pest Control lend you a hand. 

We will walk you through elimination options and find a solution that will best solve your home’s problems. As for your pets. If they are infested, we recommend talking with your veterinarian. They will provide you with some great options to help your furry friends and, in turn, reduce your chances of seeing a reinfestation after we finish our job.

Reach out to our team today to discuss your options with our friendly representatives.
