Key Information To Help You Keep Pantry Pests Out of Your Lincoln Home

A moth on the ground

Among the most aggravating types of intrusions from pests involve various kinds of creatures that rummage through dry food storage areas, including pantries and cupboards. In most cases, these pests are brought into a home within bags, boxes, or other food containers; however, many will travel indoors through cracks or gaps in search of food.

What Are Pantry Pests

Pantry pests are commonly found in pantries containing grain-based items stored long-term and often within items such as flour, rice, dried fruit, and cereal. Some of the most common pests that invade pantries include: 

  • Rice weevils: These are small beetles that measure roughly 1/8 inch long and appear in multiple colors, including black, red, and yellow.
  • Other types of beetles: Other common beetles include cigarette beetles, flour beetles, and saw-toothed grain beetles that lay eggs on food and will begin generating odors and mold. 
  • Indian or meal moths: These pests often have a wingspan of nearly ¾ of an inch and are multicolored in red, brown, and grey. The female can lay hundreds of eggs in a short time and create a significant infestation.

Pro Active Pest Control provides industry-leading services for home and business owners in the Lincoln region struggling with flying insects, rodents, bed bugs, and many other burdensome and potentially harmful pests. We remain committed to providing excellent customer service and always back the quality of our work with a guarantee. 

How Pantry Pests Feed Their Larvae 

Most pantry pests progress through a larvae stage of development before reaching adulthood. For example, moths will lay their eggs in food so their offspring will have easy access to meals after hatching. Rice weevils lay their eggs inside of hollowed-out grains so that the larvae are essentially encased in a food source after hatching. 

Tip For Preventing These Pests 

We have several suggestions to help you keep these pests out of your pantry:

  • Transfer foods into impenetrable, durable plastic or glass containers before placing them in dry storage areas.
  • Closely inspect grocery items packaged in paper, cardboard, or thin plastic materials for any evidence of pests.
  • Dispose of old and rarely used baking ingredients that attract pantry pests. 
  • Adhere to good cleaning habits such as promptly wiping up spills, removing crumbs, disposing of food scraps in trash receptacles with tight-fitting lids.
  • Repair any holes in windows screens and seal any gaps around doors and windows that could be entry points for pests.

Do I Need A Pest Control Professional? 

Many of the homeowners that first notice the presence of pantry pests will underestimate the problem. Days or weeks later, the eggs these pests lay will develop, and soon, a full-blown infestation exists in their dry food storage area. Others who notice a problem take some initiative and obtain store-bought treatment options such as traps and sprays that may expel pests.
Many of the do-it-yourself products are only capable of providing short-term results. They often are ineffective in eliminating the developing offspring of these pests in the form of eggs or larvae. For these reasons, choosing to speak with a seasoned pest control professional is strongly encouraged. These specialists have the experience and tools to safely and completely oust pests and conduct diligent follow-up. 

Leading Provider Of Pest Control Solutions 

The experts with Pro Active Pest Control use various techniques found in Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The IPM approach combines strategies that have proven to be powerful, safe, and cost-effective. Our technicians are now equipped with many of the latest products that meet and exceed the standards of the Environmental Protective Agency (EPA) and other leading organizations. We will send a specialist to the premises to conduct a detailed inspection to devise a truly customized treatment option. Contact the office today to schedule an onsite visit.
