Are The Centipedes That Get Into My Lincoln Home Dangerous?

Centipede on rocks.

With long, sensitive antennae, yellow to dark brown coloring, and small mouths that contain venomous glands, centipedes are usually recognized by their worm-like bodies and many legs. In fact, centipedes can have anywhere from 15 to 177 pairs of legs, which they use to crawl across floors and walls.

Although they do have venomous glands and are capable of biting, centipedes don’t usually pose a threat to humans or pets. At most, their bites cause mild swelling or redness, but there are no known health issues associated with centipede bites.

However, that doesn’t mean centipedes are a welcome sight in your Lincoln home. Here’s what you should know about why centipedes may sometimes venture indoors, how you can prevent them, and what to do if you’ve got a centipede problem in or on your Lincoln property.

Why Centipedes Prefer To Stay Outdoors In Lincoln

Unlike some pests, centipedes are much more comfortable outdoors than they are indoors. Centipedes prefer darker, damp environments, and it’s often easier for them to find sources of food and water outside. That said, in some cases, they may still get inside.

Centipedes can sometimes end up in your home accidentally. Other times, a centipede problem in your Lincoln home means that you’re providing an abundance of food and water for these pests.

These bugs follow after their prey. Having too many other insects in your home could draw centipedes in, especially if you’re also dealing with excess moisture or drainage issues.

The more food and water your home has to offer, the more likely centipedes will be to move inside to stay.

How To Prevent Centipedes In Lincoln

Centipedes may not be dangerous, but there’s no reason to have these bugs crawling around your home. Regardless of how they might’ve gotten inside, there are a couple of tricks you can use to keep these pests away, such as:

  • Make sure you address excess moisture. Centipedes require a moist environment to thrive, so it’s vital to address drainage problems. This means fixing those leaky pipes or even using a dehumidifier in your basement to keep the environment dry.
  • Practice good housekeeping. Centipedes are drawn to other pests and insects, and a lot of insects are attracted to food sources. Leaving out food, not cleaning up crumbs and spills, or not sealing garbage cans can all lure in other insects that centipedes may hunt.
  • Get rid of entry points. Centipedes need a way to get inside, but you can deny them access by sealing off tiny holes, gaps, and cracks in your home’s foundation and replacing torn window and door screens.

By limiting access points and attracting factors you minimize the risk of centipedes moving into your Lincoln home.

The Most Effective Way To Handle A Centipede Problem In Lincoln

While the tips above are great for centipede prevention, they aren’t always enough to stop a centipede problem that’s already gotten out of hand – but professional assistance from Pro Active Pest Control can.

There’s a reason why we’re the trusted choice for pest (and centipede) management in Lincoln. If you’re noticing too many centipedes crawling around your home, there’s no reason to wait – contact us at Pro Active Pest Control today to learn more about how we can help.
