7 Easy Yet Effective Silverfish Prevention Tips For Lincoln Property Owners


If you could live on a diet of clothing, drapes, and carpet, would you? Absolutely not! Not only are all of those things flavorless, but they are also difficult to chew. Unfortunately, silverfish do not feel the same way. These small pests love to eat anything that is made of fabric. If you are not careful, silverfish will find their way into your home and damage your personal belongings. To stop this from happening, here are 7 easy yet effective prevention tips for you to use.

What Are Silverfish

Before we get into prevention, let's first discuss the tiny clothing eating pests that want to invade your home. As their name would suggest, silverfish are silver and have a fish-like shape and movements. In addition to these features, identify a silverfish by its six legs, ¾” long oval-shaped body, and the three bristled tails that extend from its rear.

Silverfish are found all across America and are typically seen around moist, damp areas inside homes such as basements, crawlspaces, laundry rooms, and attics. As we head into winter and temperatures drop outdoors, silverfish will be looking to find shelter within homes in large numbers.

What Attracts Silverfish To A Home

Silverfish are not unlike other common area pests. They invade homes to find food, water, and shelter. If your home has entry points that allow these pests indoors, fabrics for them to eat, and moist areas for them to live, you will be likely to deal with an infestation this winter.

Prevention Tips For Silverfish

To get indoors, they will seek out cracks, gaps, and openings in the exterior of your home. These entry points are usually provided by damaged foundations, loose-fitting weather stripping, torn window/door screens, and improperly installed door sweeps. The trick to preventing silverfish is eliminating these entry points and addressing moisture issues around your home. To do these things, here are 7 easy yet effective tips:

  1. Inspect your home for leaks, dripping faucets, and other plumbing issues. Fix any problems you find.
  2. Check your gutters and make sure they are clean, undamaged, and flowing as they should.
  3. Use a dehumidifier indoors around basements, attics, and other humid areas.
  4. Thoroughly inspect your home’s exterior foundation and around window/door frames. Fill in any gaps, cracks, or holes you find using a caulking gun or some liquid cement.
  5. Make sure your home’s window/door screens are damage-free and installed properly. Do the same for weather stripping and door sweeps.
  6. Eliminate leaf litter and damp wood debris that is near your home’s exterior foundation.
  7. Trim back bushes and tree branches to allow sunlight to shine on your home’s exterior.

How Professional Pest Prevention Helps With Silverfish

Preventing silverfish is not an easy task, especially if you are taking on the job alone. Even the smallest opening in your home’s exterior is enough for these pests to get inside and cause trouble this winter.

To ensure your home stays pest-free year-round, the professionals at Pro Active Pest Control have an offering for you today. We have three high-quality plans for you to choose from, all of which cover a range of common home-invading pests, not just silverfish. All of our plans start with a thorough inspection of your home and property. Once our team establishes pest pressures in the area, they will construct a plan of action to first eliminate then protect.

Give our team a call today or reach out to one of our friendly services representatives through our website today with any questions or to schedule your Lincoln home for a quality inspection.
