Who Else In Tracy Wants To Keep Cat Fleas Out Of Their Homes?

Cat Flea crawling on a pet's skin.

We love our pets and we would do anything to keep them safe. That’s why when fleas attack our cat, we take it personally. Cat fleas cause a lot of discomfort to our feline friends and they pose a number of risks. So, what’s the deal with these threatening pests anyway?

What Are Cat Fleas?

Cat fleas are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of cats and lay eggs in their fur. They are wingless, tiny insects, that live in your cat’s hair, and travel to other sites throughout the house. They often are most common anywhere your cat lays down, like couches, bedding, and carpets.

Risks Associated With Cat Fleas

Cat fleas can be very dangerous. They feed on the blood of their host, exposing the cat to a long list of adverse health reactions. But cats aren’t the only ones they bite. If they are dislodged from their animal host, cat fleas can attach onto, and bite, humans. Their saliva triggers allergies in many people and pets. Here are some of the health conditions related to cat fleas:

  • Anemia
  • Bacterial Disease
  • Bartonellosis (Cat-Scratch Disease)
  • Flea Allergic Dermatitis (FAD)
  • Plague
  • Rickettsiosis
  • Tapeworm
  • Typhus

Cat Flea Prevention

The dangers posed by cat fleas are no laughing matter. Reactions can become serious, and if an infestation is left untreated for extended periods of time, the problem can worsen, and the risk can increase. You’re probably wondering what you can do to prevent cat fleas. Here are some useful suggestions:

  • Frequently vacuum, paying close attention to spaces where your cat(s) hang out.
  • Get a monthly anti-flea treatment for your cat(s).
  • Hose down your yard and other places frequented by your cat(s).
  • Inspect visiting pets before bringing them into your home.
  • Keep a clean yard that is well trimmed and regularly maintained.
  • Keep your cat indoors as often as possible.
  • Put a flea collar on your cat(s) to repel fleas.
  • Steam clean the carpet, curtains, and upholstered furniture.
  • Wash and dry the cat’s bedding on high heat to kill off any flea activity.

These are all great tips for reducing your (and your cat’s) exposure to cat fleas. But nothing is completely guaranteed. No matter how hard you try and no matter how diligent you are, you may not be able to handle the problem on your own, and that’s okay.

Challenges With Cat Flea Removal

It is extremely difficult to prevent fleas. When you think you’ve gotten rid of them, another batch pops up, and the whole nightmare starts all over again. To give you an idea of how fast a population of fleas can grow, one flea can lay up to 2,000 eggs in their lifetime, and that lifetime only lasts up to 25 days. That’s a lot of eggs in a short period of time. And fleas don't stay in one spot, they spread throughout the house to many different rooms.

There are a couple of indications of cat flea activity that you should keep an eye out for. Firstly, if your cat is behaving differently, scratching, chewing on their skin, or being generally restless, they may have fleas. Another indication of flea activity is discovering small, black flea droppings or small flea eggs that resemble dandruff on your pet.

Help Is Standing By With Pro Active Pest Control

If you detect any of these signs or you suspect any flea activity, you need to take action. In the event of a flea infestation, you will need professional assistance from both your veterinarian and a qualified pest control company.

Pro Active Pest Control offers comprehensive flea removal and exclusion services that rid your property of these parasites and keep them away all year long. We are your go-to source for effective flea prevention that lasts. Call Pro Active Pest Control today to learn more.
