Wolf Spider Facts And Prevention Guide For Queen Creek Homeowners

A wolf spider in a home

They may be an alarming sight, but it is good to know the first fact of the wolf spider: they generally want nothing to do with humans. These larger spiders are not typically welcome in your Queen Creek home, and they don’t aim to be inside either. This is a pest that prefers the great outdoors, and typically only enters your home accidentally.

It is important to understand the facts about the wolf spider, and more importantly, how to prevent these spiders from entering your home. At Pro Active Pest Control, we aim to keep your home pest-free, eliminating the frustration, time, and cost of DIY pest control from your homeowner duties. Our economical plans will take this item off of your to-do list with tried-and-true methods, guaranteed to work and backed by our 100 percent service guarantee.

What Is A Wolf Spider?

A wolf spider, like all of its arachnid counterparts, has eight legs. It can range in size from 3/8 to 1 3/8 of an inch for the female variety, while males are often ¼ to ¾ of an inch. They do not have antennae, but have very long, spiny legs. The wolf spider is usually a dark brown color, with a lighter brown or sometimes yellow set of markings and stripes. It has a thick body, with a stout shape to it.

Wolf Spiders Aren't Dangerous

Humans can be thankful that the wolf spider does not typically cause much more danger than the bite, which has a sensation much like a bee sting. This spider is known for biting its victims and injecting venom. However, instead of killing its prey, it typically paralyzes the food for the wolf spider. That same venom is not powerful enough to have similar strength in a human.

While you may not find them a welcome sight, these pests in your home will not cause much damage. Their presence is likely unintended, as they would prefer to seek prey outside. Not only do they not typically bother humans, only biting usually if handled, but the wolf spider can sometimes benefit its fellow man. The wolf spider eats a wide variety of other insects, including pests that actively attack crops. By taking these pests out for farmers, protecting crops from would-be predators, they are often welcome on farmland.

Wolf Spiders Carry Their Young On Their Backs

Like most mothers, the wolf spider female tends to be a very protective parent. Not only does she carry about her egg sack between her spinnerets until the babies hatch, but once they do, she carries them on her back. This will typically occur for several days after the new spiders are born. The number of babies can range from a dozen to hundreds of offspring in a single batch.

Carrying her young on her back allows for the mother wolf spider to continue to hunt for food while her children are safe with her. While they will not eat the same prey right away after they are born, the babies will jump down to get a drink as mom stops by water sources for a drink for herself.

The Best Spider Control In Queen Creek

If you are finding these frequently outdoor spiders indoors, trust the professionals at Pro Active Pest Control for effective solutions to all of your pest control needs. With years of experience, our pros know how to inspect your property inside and out to create treatment plans tailored to your specific needs.

Don’t try to go it alone when it comes to Queen Creek pest control. We offer a 100 percent service guarantee on our work, which comes complete with routine follow-ups to be sure you are not bothered by pests for a long time to come.
