Queen Creek's Guide To Black Widow Spider Control

Black widow spider on her web

Sometimes, a fear of spiders isn't exactly irrational. The black widow spider has earned its infamy. Although they don't necessarily seek to bite humans, they still pack a powerful venom behind those fangs, and an accidental encounter can be quite dangerous. With their preference for stealth and seclusion, many people can't identify them or know what to do if they have.

That's why our experts at Pro Active Pest Control have put together this quick and easy guide to the black widow spider. Here, we'll outline everything you need to do about these notorious arachnids, including the safest way to get rid of them. Read on to discover the key to effective spider pest control in Queen Creek, and overcome any arachnophobia along the way.

How To Identify Black Widow Spiders In Queen Creek

There are many different kinds of spiders in our area that look somewhat similar to the black widow. Despite appearances, black widows are much more dangerous, making accurate identification essential.

Black widow spiders are usually about an inch long, named after their black color, but with a distinctive red hourglass pattern on their backs. Female black widows are sometimes a dark brown, and young specimens are orange or white, developing their signature color scheme as they mature. 

Black widow spiders are web-spinners, relying on trial and error with irregular webs spun in many places until they find a good location, usually near ground level.

The Dangers Of Black Widow Spiders On Your Property

Black widows are one of the single most venomous spiders in our area. Even though they prefer to avoid human contact, they are considered one of the most dangerous spiders found in homes.
Because black widows tend to weave their webs in seldom-disturbed locations such as garages, attics, or closets, people often accidentally disturb them, resulting in a painful bite. Their venom is more potent than a rattlesnake's, and although fatalities are pretty rare with proper medical treatment, it's still an extremely unpleasant experience.
Symptoms of a black widow spider bite include intense aches and pains, swelling, fever, and nausea. If you think you've spotted a black widow on your property, you should take steps to remove it immediately – these are the last kinds of spiders you want hiding around your home.

The Safest Way To Get Rid Of Black Widow Spiders 

The safest and most effective home defense for spiders is, ultimately, to partner with a pest control professional. Black widow spiders are especially dangerous to handle by yourself due to their potent venom and elusive nature. Even though these spiders prefer not to use their venom on people over their prey, you can still accidentally disturb their web, given enough time living with an infestation.

If you're noticing black widow spiders lurking around your home, don't risk a bite – reach out to our experts at Pro Active Pest Control to reclaim your home from these unruly arachnids.

How To Keep Black Widow Spiders Away From Your Property

All spiders are predators of insects and generally prefer seclusion and stealth. With this in mind, there are a few things you can do to keep their numbers under control, including those of the infamous black widow. Here are a few easy tips for effective black widow spider control:

  • Clean and declutter around your home to deny hiding spots for spiders.
  • Seal up cracks and crevices around the exterior of your home.
  • Install door sweeps and window screens.
  • Turn off the porch lights at night.
  • Eliminate other pests which may serve as spider food.
  • Partner with our professionals at Pro Active Pest Control.

Professional spider control can help address anything you might have missed while further supporting your vigilant efforts.

Reach out to our experts at Pro Active Pest Control, and guarantee yourself a safe, spider-free home today.
